We stopped in a friendly little RV park near the mines. Lester got out the big map and we talked about all we would do there.
Of course, we all wanted to go in different directions. Melinda wanted to get up close so she could see where they were. She had been sleeping while the others were taking turns keeping the two humans awake and watching for deer, whatever they were.
Some went to the diamond mine while others just loafed around camp. Lester and Jenny took their own tools so they could look too. The weather was perfect to look for the treasures.
Jenny and Lester dug and sifted in the strange looking dirt. It wasn't red like most of the Oklahoma clay was. The humans were nearby digging themselves.
The mister went off on his own to dig and sift for the gems. The mine was filled with lots of people hoping to strike it rich.
We found the prettiest rocks you ever saw, but not a diamond was to be found. We decided to pile back into the big van and drive up the mountain to one of the quartz mines. Our people had done that many many years ago.
The soil changed a bit in looks. There were quartz crystal shimmering all around. The whole gang went out to gatner them up from the road, the hills and beyond. The crystals are covered in clay much like out Oklahoma red but with a yellower tone. They will have to be washed and scrubbed and then placed in an acid bath to remove all the clay and minerals that hide their beauty. The buckets got heavier and heavier as we found so many of the quartz crystals.
We loaded our buckets and tools into the van and decided we needed to get home.
We barely had time to decorate the cabin for Halloween and now....
....it is time to put our Halloween photos into the album and go clean up the cabin . Of course, wouldn't you know it......
those bonehead twins decided to hightail it out to the local biker bar to get them a big ol' steaming chili dog loaded with onions, peppers mustard and relish.
If things go as planned, next time we will have pictures of the new McDonald House as we present all the wonderful gifts from the girls at hitty.com , the carvers from woodcarvingillustrated.com , the boy scout in Ma. , and friends and neighbors that learned of the need.
So if you ever wonder to yourself late at night,
"Is there really a Santa Claus?"
I will smile and say.....
"Why yes there is as long as we keep the spirit of giving in our hearts."